丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)这位总是带着毛帽,有着精湛的琴艺,外型有着浓浓都会时尚感的歌手,他以充满灵骚味的假音,在2006上半年将在美国乐坛发光发热。丹尼尔细腻独特的感受力及出色的琴艺,让他总是能够在平淡无奇的生活中,找到音乐创作的题材,因此有着“城市琴人丹尼尔”的称号。城市琴人丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)专辑在去年率先在美国地区之外发行,随即在欧洲各国就掀起一阵《Bad Day疯》,在法国更是蝉连好几周的冠军,2005年的夏季单曲在英国金榜上蝉联了3周亚军,而当时强势压顶的冠军,就是同门师兄上尉诗人詹姆仕布朗特,蝉连5周单曲榜冠军的《You are beautiful/美丽的你》。随着歌曲的窜红,《坏天气/Bad Day》一曲被可口可乐用作为欧洲广告片的主题曲。
    在综艺节目《康熙来了》的中间过渡片头,会有一首节奏轻快,旋律不错的歌曲,歌名FREE LOOP,Daniel Powter特别的嗓音给人印象深刻

歌手是:Daniel Powter
歌名是:Free Loop
Daniel Powter-Free Loop的迅雷下载地址是:http://attachment.forum.nubb.com/dz/month_0808/20080803_6498819ba222f53c8714Fgz0XSJQLL8J.mp3

free loop---Daniel powter
i'm a little used to calling outside your name
i won't see you tonight so i can keep from going insane
but i don't know enough, i get some kinda lazy day
hey yeah
i've been fabulous through to fight my town a name
i'll be stooped tomorrow if i don't leave as them both the same
but i don't know enough, i get some kinda lazy day
hey yeah
cause its hard for me to lose
in my life i've found only time will tell
and i will figure out that we can baby
we can do a one night stand, yeah
and its hard for me to lose in my life
i've found outside your skin right near the fire
that we can baby
we can change and feel alright
i'm a little used to wandering outside the rain
you can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same
but i don't know enough, i need someone who leaves the day
hey yeah
cause its hard for me to lose
in my life i've found only time will tell
and i will figure out that we can baby
we can do a one night stand, yeah
and its hard for me to lose in my life
i've found outside your skin right near the fire
that we can baby
we can change and feel alright
cause its hard for me to lose
in my life i've found only time will tell
i will figure out that we can baby
we can do a one night stand, yeah
and its hard for me to lose in my life
i've found outside your skin right near the fire
that we can baby
we can change and feel alright
cause its hard for me to lose
in my life i've found only time will tell
and i will figure out that we can baby
we can do a one night stand, yeah
and its hard for me to lose in my life
i've found outside your skin right near the fire
that we can baby
we can change and feel alright