
Java代码  Spring Mvc @RequestMapping 基本用法_Spring Mvc @RequestM
  1. @RequestMapping(value="/departments")  

  2. public String simplePattern(){  

  3.  System.out.println("simplePattern method was called");  

  4. return"someResult";  

  5. }  

  则访问http://localhost/xxxx/departments的时候,会调用 simplePattern方法了

2) 参数绑定
Java代码  Spring Mvc @RequestMapping 基本用法_Spring Mvc @RequestM
  1. @RequestMapping(value="/departments")  

  2. public String findDepatment(  

  3. @RequestParam("departmentId") String departmentId){  

  4.    System.out.println("Find department with ID: " + departmentId);  

  5. return"someResult";  

  6. }  



3 REST风格的参数
Java代码  Spring Mvc @RequestMapping 基本用法_Spring Mvc @RequestM
  1. @RequestMapping(value="/departments/{departmentId}")  

  2. public String findDepatment(@PathVariable String departmentId){  

  3.  System.out.println("Find department with ID: " + departmentId);  

  4. return"someResult";  

  5. }  


4 REST风格的参数绑定形式之2
Java代码  Spring Mvc @RequestMapping 基本用法_Spring Mvc @RequestM
  1. @RequestMapping(value="/departments/{departmentId}")  

  2. public String findDepatmentAlternative(  

  3. @PathVariable("departmentId") String someDepartmentId){  

  4.    System.out.println("Find department with ID: " + someDepartmentId);  

  5. return"someResult";  

  6. }  

@PathVariable("departmentId") String someDepartmentId,将其绑定为

5 url中同时绑定多个id
Java代码  Spring Mvc @RequestMapping 基本用法_Spring Mvc @RequestM
  1. @RequestMapping(value="/departments/{departmentId}/employees/{employeeId}")  

  2. public String findEmployee(  

  3. @PathVariable String departmentId,  

  4. @PathVariable String employeeId){  

  5.    System.out.println("Find employee with ID: " + employeeId +  

  6. " from department: " + departmentId);  

  7. return"someResult";  

  8. }  


6 支持正则表达式
Java代码  Spring Mvc @RequestMapping 基本用法_Spring Mvc @RequestM
  1. @RequestMapping(value="/{textualPart:[a-z-]+}.{numericPart:[\\d]+}")  

  2. public String regularExpression(  

  3. @PathVariable String textualPart,  

  4. @PathVariable String numericPart){  

  5.    System.out.println("Textual part: " + textualPart +  

  6. ", numeric part: " + numericPart);  

  7. return"someResult";  

  8. }  

Textual part: sometext, numeric part: 123.