环境: 数据是由用户test1导出,对应的表空间是test1 导入时是用户test2, 对应的表空间是test2 操作: 导入时如果目标环境中有test1表空间就会导入到test1表空间中 而如果目标环境没有test1表空间,就会导入test2用户的默认表空间 默认表空间查看方法:select username,default_tablespace from dba_users where username = 'SCOTT';

[Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'default

-- Table structure for t_contractsuppl' at line 1 [Err] INSERT INTO t_contractmoney VALUES ('ff8080816c854db2016c88b838db0455', NULL, 'ff8080816c854db2016c8896b2c00375', 'ff8080816c000b87016c0302634904cb', NULL, 1125.00, 0, 2019, '0', 'ff8080816b094713016b0bbe0a3e0076', '鄂尔多斯市文化和旅游局经办', '2019-08-13 10:04:30', 'ff8080816b094713016b0bbe0a3e0076', '鄂尔多斯市文化和旅游局经办', '2019-08-13 10:04:30', NULL); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully 方案:语句错误,检查报错位置的语法 1.通常是格式,例如是',;等的原因 2.可能是oracle和mysql之间的数据相互导,导致字段类型不支持 /-------------==

[Err] 1171 - All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead

[Err] INSERT INTO t_contractsupplier VALUES ('ff8080816c4fd3c5016c65c064c6506d', 'ff8080816c4fd3c5016c65c014c35061', NULL, '鄂尔多斯市智达电子有限责任公司', '鄂尔多斯银行股份有限公司东胜支行', '047701012000012706'); INSERT INTO t_contractsupplier VALU [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully 方案:导入和导出的用户不同,导致函数调取时出错 1.该错出现的原因是不通版本之间相互导入数据文件导致的 /-------------------------------==-

[Err] 1217 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails [Err] INSERT INTO t_contractmoney VALUES

--('ff8080816c4fd3c5016c60f902d91a35', NULL, 'ff8080816c4fd3c5016c60f8e1821a2d', 'ff8080816c4b766e016c4c64f44a5938', NULL, 49750.00, 0, 2019, '0', 'ff8080816ac9ec56016b031357010243', '鄂尔多斯市人民代表大会常务委员会办公室经办', '2019-08-05 16:50:28', 'ff8080816ac9ec56016b031357010243', '鄂尔多斯市人民代表大会常务委员会办公室经办', '2019-08-05 16:50:28', NULL); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully 方案:外键约束导致删除不了数据 1.脚本文件第一行 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;

[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry 'ff8080816b8acbdf016b91b8dbae1b9e' for key 'PRIMARY'

[Err]INSERT INTO t_contractmoney VALUES ('ff8080816b8acbdf016b91b8dbae1b9e'); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully--== /----==----------------------------- [Err] 1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

[Err] INSERT INTO t_userpost VALUES ('12', 'wsd_gly'); 方案:访问拒绝,更改为导出的用户

导入数据库时报错: [ERR] 1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

解决方案为: show variables like '%innodb_large_prefix%'; show variables like '%innodb_file_format%'; set global innodb_large_prefix=on; set global innodb_file_format=Barracuda; /----------= [ERR] 1349 - View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause mysql5.6的版本有这个报错,mysql5.0和5.7以上的版本都没有这个错误 可以考虑升级版本,没有好的解决办法,如果有请告诉我谢谢谢

使用脚本自动备份数据库时出现错误3167 mysql数据库使用mysqldump报错3167 The database to be backed up is named: information_schema mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ * FROM GLOBAL_STATUS': The 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS' feature is disabled; see the documentation for 'show_compatibility_56' (3167) The database to be backed up is named: performance_schema select * from information_schema.global_status ;

3167 - The 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS' feature is disabled; see the documentation for 'show_compatibility_56' 解决办法: 需要设置开启状态: 用管理员执行如下命令: set global show_compatibility_56=on; 查看是否开启: show variables like '%show_compatibility_56%'; 再次查看: select * from information_schema.global_status limit 3;

ORA开头的是oracle数据库报错 -------== [Err] ORA-00942: table or view does not exist [Err] DROP TABLE "PC_CORE"."B_FB_E_BLOCK_RECORD" [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully 缺少判断语句出现表不存在的情况就会报错 用DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 替换 DROP TABLE

[Err] ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object 说明表已经有了。。。