
   DBVERIFY工具_dbv oracle

DBVERIFY工具_dbv oracle _02


[oracle@server~]$ dbv file=/home/oracle/orabase/oradata/ORACLE/users01.dbf blocksize=8192

DBVERIFY:Release - Production on Wed Aug 28 10:01:16 2013

Copyright(c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rightsreserved.

DBVERIFY- Verification starting : FILE =/home/oracle/orabase/oradata/ORACLE/users01.dbf

DBVERIFY- Verification complete

TotalPages Examined         : 640

TotalPages Processed (Data) : 0

TotalPages Failing   (Data) : 0

TotalPages Processed (Index): 0

TotalPages Failing   (Index): 0

TotalPages Processed (Other): 8

TotalPages Processed (Seg)  : 0

TotalPages Failing   (Seg)  : 0

TotalPages Empty            : 632

TotalPages Marked Corrupt   : 0

TotalPages Influx           : 0

Highestblock SCN            : 10662 (0.10662)



[oracle@serverORACLE]$ rman target /

RecoveryManager: Release - Production on Wed Aug 28 09:54:16 2013

Copyright(c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rightsreserved.

connectedto target database: ORACLE (DBID=1692376488)

RMAN>BACKUP AS COPY  DATAFILE'/home/oracle/orabase/oradata/ORACLE/users01.dbf' FORMAT'/home/oracle/users01.cpy';

Startingbackup at 28-AUG-13

usingtarget database control file instead of recovery catalog

allocatedchannel: ORA_DISK_1

channelORA_DISK_1: sid=307 devtype=DISK

channelORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy

inputdatafile fno=00004 name=/home/oracle/orabase/oradata/ORACLE/users01.dbf

outputfilename=/home/oracle/users01.cpy tag=TAG20130828T095524 recid=2stamp=824637325

channelORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01

Finishedbackup at 28-AUG-13

StartingControl File Autobackup at 28-AUG-13


FinishedControl File Autobackup at 28-AUG-13


RecoveryManager complete.

[oracle@server]$ cd /home/oracle/

[oracle@server~]$ dbv file=users01.cpy blocksize=8192

DBVERIFY:Release - Production on Wed Aug 28 09:56:23 2013

Copyright(c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rightsreserved.

DBVERIFY- Verification starting : FILE = users01.cpy

DBVERIFY- Verification complete

TotalPages Examined         : 640

TotalPages Processed (Data) : 0

TotalPages Failing   (Data) : 0

TotalPages Processed (Index): 0

TotalPages Failing   (Index): 0

TotalPages Processed (Other): 8

TotalPages Processed (Seg)  : 0

TotalPages Failing   (Seg)  : 0

TotalPages Empty            : 632

TotalPages Marked Corrupt   : 0

TotalPages Influx           : 0

Highestblock SCN            : 10662 (0.10662)



·Pages = Blocks

·Total Pages Examined = number ofblocks in the file

·Total Pages Processed = number ofblocks that were verified (formatted blocks)

·Total Pages Failing (Data) = numberof blocks that failed the data block checking routine

·Total Pages Failing (Index) = numberof blocks that failed the index block checking routine

·Total Pages Marked Corrupt = numberof blocks for which the cache header is invalid, thereby making it impossiblefor DBVERIFY to identify the block type

·Total Pages Influx = number ofblocks that are being read and written to at the same time. If the database isopen when DBVERIFY is run, DBVERIFY reads blocks multiple times to get aconsistent p_w_picpath. But because the database is open, there may be blocks thatare being read and written to at the same time (INFLUX). DBVERIFY cannot get aconsistent p_w_picpath of pages that are in flux.



DBVERIFY工具_dbv oracle _03

DBVERIFY工具_dbv oracle _04

用法: dbv USERID=username/passwordSEGMENT_ID=tsn.segfile.segblock


SQL> selectTABLESPACE_ID,HEADER_FILE,  HEADER_BLOCKfrom sys_dba_segs where segment_name='DIAGNOSES';


------------- ----------- ------------

           9           9          611


[oracle@server~]$ dbv userid=admin/admin SEGMENT_ID=9.9.611

DBVERIFY:Release - Production on Wed Aug 28 10:57:54 2013

Copyright(c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rightsreserved.

DBVERIFY- Verification starting : SEGMENT_ID = 9.9.611

DBVERIFY- Verification complete

TotalPages Examined         : 8

TotalPages Processed (Data) : 5

TotalPages Failing   (Data) : 0

TotalPages Processed (Index): 0

TotalPages Failing   (Index): 0

TotalPages Processed (Other): 2

TotalPages Processed (Seg)  : 1

TotalPages Failing   (Seg)  : 0

TotalPages Empty            : 0

TotalPages Marked Corrupt   : 0

TotalPages Influx           : 0

Highestblock SCN            : 2655202(0.2655202)




例如 : dbvfile=+DG1/ORCL/datafile/system01.dbf userid=system/sys


(3)、On most releases on Unix DBV expects a filename extension.

   This means that DBV cannot be used againstdatafiles with no

   filename suffix, or against RAW devices.

   The workaround is to create a symbolic linkto the raw device where

   the link name MUST have an extension.

   Eg: ln -s /dev/rdsk/mydevice/tmp/mydevice.dbf

       Now use DBV against /tmp/mydevice.dbf

(4)、For RAW devices you should use the END parameter to avoid running

   off the end of the Oracle file space.

   eg: "dbv FILE=/dev/rdsk/r1.dbfEND=<last_block_number>"

   If you get the END value too high DBV canreport the last page/s of the

   file as corrupt as these are beyond the endof the Oracle portion of

   the raw device.

   You can find value for END from theV$DATAFILE view by dividing the

   BYTES value by the database block size.

   Eg: To find out the END value to use for file#=5:                          

       SVRMGRL> show parameterdb_block_size

        NAME                                TYPE    VALUE

        ------------------------------------------ ------

        db_block_size                       integer 2048

       SVRMGRL> select BYTES/2048 fromv$datafile where FILE#=5;




       So the command would be:

dbv file=/dev/rdsk/r1.dbf blocksize=2048 END=5120